Bill Maher pans MSNBC's roster of ex-conservatives: 'Looks to me like the paycheck is dictating your politics'
Liberal comedian Bill Maher called out MSNBC's so-called anti-Trump "conservatives" who he argues no longer represent half the country on his "Club Random" podcast.

Liberal comedian Bill Maher took a swipe at MSNBC's roster of ex-conservatives suggesting they changed their politics for the "paycheck."
On Sunday's installment of his "Club Random" podcast, Maher and ex-Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., shared their thoughts about the phenomenon of Republicans flipping after going on MSNBC, like former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough.
"I like Joe," Maher said. "You know, my problem with people who take media jobs is that, you know, they start out- very often on MSNBC, this happens- they start out as the ‘conservative.’ Of course, on MSNBC, you can be only so conservative. They don't really have, like, your type that wouldn't be on it, but they have the Nicolle Wallaces, the people- Michael Steele, the people, they usually- they hate Trump… It's the ‘anybody but Trump’ conservatives."
"I'm an ‘anybody but Trump’ guy, too, but, like, it doesn't represent the country or the party, so it's bulls---," Maher continued. "But okay, so they start out as that, but they're also conservatives. Nicolle Wallace was like Bush's like- [communications director]."
"She was out there, you know, cheering on the Iraq War," Gaetz said.
"Right," Maher agreed. "And the longer they're there, and the more time they see ‘MSNBC’ on the paycheck, the more they become not just anti-Trump, but now they're just totally in league with [Democrats]."
"Look, I don't want people to become more conservative generally, but when it looks to me like the paycheck is dictating your politics, I do have a problem with it," Maher added. "I mean, the Village People are gay for Trump now!"
"Well, they're enslaved by their audience-," Gaetz responded.
"Everybody is, yeah," Maher reacted.
"-because they see what turns off their audience, what turns on their audience, and that becomes the thing that turns them on as well," Gaetz said.
Gaetz went on to draw attention to the "realignment" that has taken place in politics, asking Maher about which is now the "pro-war party," the "pro-free speech party" and the "pro-free trade party," suggesting the positions have completely flipped between Republicans and Democrats.
"Who's the ‘stick-up-their-a--’ party? That's the biggest one in my world," Maher said. "The stuff that used to get laughs because it was the moral majority doing it, stick-up-their-a-- stuff, you know Pat Robertson, who's the other- Jerry Falwell- all of those, you know, ‘purple Telebubbies, you know, are gay.’ And then who became the stick-up-their-a-- people? The left."
Gaetz later told Maher, "Right now, there are times I see the political landscape where I have more in common with the populist leftists than I do the centrists in my own party. On the matter of, like, government surveillance, I team up with Ilhan Omar more than I team up with the Republicans on the Intelligence Committee."
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