I'm Sherrod Brown: This is why I want Ohio's vote for Senate
I’ve spent my entire career fighting for Ohio and for the Dignity of Work — the idea that hard work should pay off for everyone, no matter where you live or who you are.

Elections and governing come down to one question: whose side are you on? Ohioans know I’ll always fight for them, and side with workers over Wall Street, with patients over drug companies, with Ohio families over the corporations raising their prices.
I was born and raised in Mansfield. I grew up walking the halls of Johnny Appleseed Jr. High School with the sons and daughters of union workers – steelworkers at Empire Detroit and electrical workers at Westinghouse and autoworkers at General Motors and machinists at Ohio Brass and Tappan Stove – highly skilled people who built Ohio and built a middle-class life for their kids.
I saw what corporate greed and politicians of both parties did to my hometown.
Corporations searched the globe for cheap labor. They lobbied for tax breaks and bad trade deals to move manufacturing overseas, always in search of lower wages.
It's why I’ve spent my entire career fighting for Ohio and for the Dignity of Work — the idea that hard work should pay off for everyone, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of work you do.
When presidents of my own party have pushed bad trade deals that would hurt Ohio workers and send jobs overseas -- from NAFTA to the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- I’ve always stood up and fought to keep jobs where they belong: here in Ohio.
When Wall Street gambled away workers’ retirement savings, I worked with Ohio workers and retirees to lead the years-long fight to pass the Butch Lewis Act, named after an Ohio Teamster. Together we saved the pensions of over 100,000 Ohioans, with no cuts to the retirement they earned and paid into over a lifetime of work.
After years of fighting Big Pharma and their lobbyists, we capped the price of insulin at $35 a month for Ohioans on Medicare -- and now I’m working to extend those cost savings to everyone.
After hearing from Ohio local law enforcement officers that the best way to help in the fight against fentanyl is to keep it out of our country in the first place, I worked with Republicans to successfully pass the FEND Off Fentanyl Act. It will do more to stop fentanyl at its source, going after the illicit profits of the chemical suppliers in China and the drug traffickers who bring it across our southern border from Mexico.
And I’m working to grow new industries in Ohio and create good-paying, middle-class jobs. We need to make more in America and there’s no better place to do that than Ohio.
I worked with former Senator Rob Portman to include historic "Buy America" provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law -- because American tax dollars should support American workers. lt’s creating good-paying jobs, expanding broadband, and ensuring that every infrastructure project repairing roads, rebuilding bridges, and laying new pipes is done by American workers with American-made materials.
These are reminders of what we can accomplish when we put politics aside and work together for all Ohioans. That’s what I’ll always do. That’s what’s always been best for Ohio.
But we have more work left to do. Prices are still too high -- from groceries to prescription drugs to housing. Corporations have too much power in the economy. Whether they’re outsourcing our jobs or raising our prices, they squeeze the workers who make their companies successful, while funneling all the profits to the top.
We need to take on corporate greed and lower housing prices, and cut taxes for working families.
We need to pass a bipartisan border security bill that secures the southern border and ensures that border patrol agents have the tools and resources they need.
The choice in this race is clear: while I’ve spent my career fighting for the people of Ohio, my opponent only looks out for himself. He’s faced lawsuit after lawsuit for refusing to pay his employees what they’d earned, and went so far as to destroy the evidence to try to get away with it. He lied about selling Chinese-made cars that shipped Ohio jobs – jobs in Lorain and Toledo and Youngstown and Parma – overseas. And he’s mocked Ohioans for caring about the right to make their own healthcare decisions, and said "it's a little crazy" for women to care about healthcare rights while he pushes for a national abortion ban.
My pledge to all Ohioans, no matter who you vote for, is that I will always be on your side. I will fight for your jobs and your wages and your retirement security. I will fight to lower your costs and to open up paths to the middle class. I will fight for your families and for your communities.
This Election Day, I am asking for your support so that together, we can keep fighting for Ohio and to make sure that all work has dignity.
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